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about the company

Speaking to your inner and outer self - the purpose isn’t in the prettiness, but it sure doesn’t hurt, does it?


Founded in 2017, Scriptures In Silk has been working to create pieces that encourage both the heart and the artist eye to combine function and fashion in a luxury capacity. You have our word, each item is made with high-end, internationally-sourced, pure silk. Quality comes first and we stand by our products and the vision behind them.

Elephants are massive creatures with incredible memories and a tenderness for their families. The Bible tells us to memorize scripture - write it on our hearts - but, it’s not an easy task. There are distractions fighting for our attention every second of the day, but our focus should be on God and His promises - like the one made to Abraham that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. We’ve created an avenue to spark that truth every day -

You are an heir.
You are royalty.
You are chosen.

Let the warmth of the silk and the truth of the Word remind you of that very promise.


A tangible, truthful reminder is right around the corner
